Sunday, August 14, 2011

Look at me - I can sit!

Ella keeps amazing us by doing all sorts of new things.  She is now sitting!  These are the first pics of her observing the world from a new point of view and loving it!

A bit of love from her big sister!

Now she can play hide and seek with her big sister!

Afternoon in the Park!

What is one of Lily's most favorite thing - well I would imagine almost any little one would say THE PARK!  We are fortunate to have a little park in our community but on this particular day we went to what Lily calls The Big Park!

Bath Time at Grandma's House!

During our July visit Ella had her bath in the kitchen sink at Grandma's.  We have pictures just like this when Lily was about this age.  I don't know about you but I just love bath time photos.  Here is our sweet Ella!

A day at the Fair!

We went to the Orange County Fair July 16th with the Abbott clan - Nonno, Grandma, Aunti Dani and Uncle Mike.  We had so much fun and ate all kinds of goodies and went on a bunch of rides - and Lily went on her very first Pony ride - I think she is working Nonno to buy her one and keep it at the ranch in New Mexico.  Here are some pics from our very fun day!

Lily loved the Pony ride.  The Pony was called Ruby!

Blowing kisses to all her fans!

Ella just hung out his trip and took it all in but I know she can't wait to run around this place next year she just loved looking at everything.  We didn't get a picture but there was this male quartet singing and Ella loved them!

Daddy took Lily on the Super Slide.  This was not a favorite of Lily's and she talked about how scary it was for the next couple weeks!

On Lily's favorite ride - the Flying Elephant.  I can't wait to take her on Dumbo at Disneyland!

Lily's first time on a ride without Mama or Daddy!  She loved it!

Luckily there are still rides she needs me for!

Nothing is better than finishing the day with ice cream.  Sorry Ella not this year but definitely next year baby!