Monday, January 30, 2012

The last few days of 2011!

Now that Christmas is over we enjoyed some days at home and Mike was off between Christmas and New Years - well except for one day but it was nice to have him home for such a long amount of time.  We went to the park and the Zoo and just played and relaxed.  It was a great way to end the year and welcome in the next one.  New Years Eve we had dinner at my parents house with Jen and Len and Marie and Len Sr.   We got the kiddos a babysitter for about 4 hours so we could actually eat warm food and have an uninterrupted conversation - it was nice.  We were back at Jen's by 10:30 and we stayed the night there - none of us made it till midnight!  Here are some pics of the last days of 2011.

The girls love to swing

Ella does not like the feel of grass so she is trying to get her feet off the ground and balance on her bottom!

Hundreds of toys but give them a box and they are happy!

Aunt Joyce and GG came over to visit us and the girls!

I felt the need to get rid of stuff so we went through all the old clothes and the girls were happy as can be playing in the tubs!

 Our day at the Zoo

They had a helicopter on display - I think Mike was disappointed he didn't get a turn.

Our annual Christmas party with the Caplans

These are my only New Years Eve pics from that morning.  The girls love playing in the kitchen.  It wont be long before Ella will be standing on this chair!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day was nothing short of awesome this year!  The girls had so much fun and so did we.  We started the day with at home with stockings and then onto presents - Lily could hardly contain herself and thinking of it now makes me tear up - she was so darn cute talking about how nice Santa was to bring her her stocking presents and her rocking horse and even said we need to send him a thank you card.  Love it.  Ella mostly wanted to eat the paper and bows but she was in the thick of it for sure and very pleased with some new toys to chew on.  After Christmas morning the Abbott clan came over to give the girls gifts and then we headed over to the my parents house for more fun and yes more presents.  What a wonderful day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Twas the night before Christmas

This is what our Christmas Eve looked like after Santa and his elves came by!  I can't begin to tell you how magical this Christmas was.  Lily really got the whole Christmas idea this year and it was Ella's first Christmas.  I hope these memories stay with me forever

Lily asked Santa for a Rocking Horse this year.  The look on her face when she saw it Christmas morning was priceless. 

Christmas Eve Fun!

This year we had the Hargraves over for Christmas Eve breakfast.  We always get together during the holidays but this made Christmas Eve extra special.  What a fun day and then later we attended Church with most of the Herkert Clan and then headed over to the Goads for a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner.  Penny and Michael hosted and it was so fun. They spoiled the kiddos with gifts and us with the most wonderful dinner.  As you know hosting dinner for the Herkert clan is quite a task as we now have 17 in the immediate family.  This year we were minus Adam and Lindsay as they spent Christmas with Lindsays Mom.  Sill that is 13 of us - thank you Penny and Michael for everything.

Hargrave girls with Lily

The girls before church!

Not the best picture of the gilrs with cousins Zack and Emma - still trying to figure out my new camera.

A rare family shot!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So in case you haven't heard since I am behind in my blog - I was laid off before Christmas.  Since I am not working me and the girls are now enjoying having fun with friends and family.  Here is a recent trip tp Legoland with Declan and Lexi.  Aunt Lindsay and I forgot how crowded this place would be being that it is Christmas break - oh well we still had lots of fun! The following day we goofed around at home and then just decided to go to the park and Lily went on the big girl swing!

Here is Lily looking georgeous all dressed up!  She is wearing my inch heels - quite impressive how easily she gets around in them. 

Such a big girl now!